Do you plan on eating healthy?

Are you looking to change your eating habits and become healthier in a more sustainable way? SaaraLife has collaborated with a team of experts to develop a unique calorie calculator that will give you personalized meal guidance to help you reach your goals. The aim of this Calorie & Macro Calculator is to help you to figure out how much protein, carbohydrate and fat you should be consuming daily in order to achieve your goals, whether it be weight loss, body re-composition, or gaining muscle.

And the best part? We give you convenient hand-portion sizes that correspond to the amount of calories and grams of each macronutrient, so that you don’t have to spend time weighing what you eat – which, let’s face it, is highly impractical.

The best laid plans fail if you are not consistent. Which is why we wanted to help you find an easier way to measure your calories. Once you have it in your head, it’s a lot easier to watch what you eat, pay attention to the results, and adjust as needed.

Ready to try it? Click “Let’s go!” below and enter your information to instantly calculate your calories, portions, and macros.

Congratulations on taking another step towards a healthy lifestyle!